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6 Sep 2019, 13:34 Publicly Viewable
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Feliz Symphony

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OK Motsomane 30532280

LO 4 

Blog entry

B Nyaku 30088364 LO 2
JP Legodi 29312906 LO 3
SP Tshabalala 31547133 LO 5
NP Ramoliki 33583382 Blog entry ideas
HP Maluleka 32031106 LO 1

Learning Outcome 1


A decision is an action taken by management to set out alternatives and achieve goals and objectives. Decision making is the process of making important decisions, these decisions are usually set by top management.

Image result for decision making Image result for decision making

Role of Decision-making for Managers

A good manager follows the four fundamental tasks of a manager (planning, leading, organizing, control) this enables them to make the right decisions even when the situation is crucial. Decision making is important to achieve the organizational goals and objectives, managers set and keep the operations of the business hence its their responsibility to ensure the organizations productivity is at the highest level at all times. Managers also keep the organization in equilibrium with its environment. Based on the managers skills and training, some decisions take little effort as only good leaders make successful managers. Managers are faced with choices on a day to day basis in which good decisions will result to high productivity and profit and bad decisions will lead to making a loss.

Role of Decision-making for Employees

Giving employees the platform to make decisions in the workplace gives them good communication skills. This enables them to voice out their opinions and also share their knowledge with other employees, this also improves the relationship workers have with each other. The business will be stronger as employees can supply the managers with new ideas.

Image result for decision making for employees

When you allow employees to make decisions it creates a strong relationship because it shows how much you trust them, they will then value your business and work with passion. This will also give the manager a different perspective and possibly make the right decisions. Things like suggestion boxes and employee surveys are good for the business.

Learning Outome 2


Certainty is the condition under which individuals are fully informed about a problem, alternative solutions are known and the possible outcomes of those solutions are clear. Decision-making under condition of certainty is the exception for most middle managers, top managers and various professionals.


Risk is the condition under which individuals can define a problem, specify the probability of certain events,identify alternative solutions and state the probability of each solution leading to desired results. 


Uncertainty is the condition under which an individual is not sure about the decision that he or she has to make or is about to make. This person does not have the necessary information to assign probabilities to the outcomes of alternative solutions.

Image result for certainty risk and uncertainty

Learning Outcome 3

Three types of decisions:

Routine decisions Adaptive decisions Innovative decisions

•Decision made when problems are relatively well defined.

•Requires rules, policies and procedures to solve them.

•Made on a day-to-day basis.

•e.g  shortage of nursing staff.

•Decision made when problems and alternative solutions are quite unusual and only partially understood.

•They deliver fast feedback.

•A combination of logic and common sense.

•e.g changing working time pattern.

•Decision made when problems are unusual and unclear.

•Requires creative solutions.

•Accelerates learning and improves decision-making skills.

•e.g increase infection rate to 50% among surgical patients.

Learning Outcome 4

Goals are crucial in giving one a sense of order meaning, and direction. Without goals, one will unlikely have a sense of direction and purpose in many things that they do. Goals affect decision-making in a way that the decision-making process is triggered by an effort to discover new goals, revise current goals and drop outdated goals. It is also triggered by a search for better ways to achieve established goals.

Image result for goals and decision makingImage result for goals and decision making

Learning Outcome 5

Related image:

Rational model Bounded Rationality model Political Model

•Prescribes a series of steps that individuals or teams should follow to increase the likelihood that their decisions will be logical and sound.

•A rational decision permits the maximum achievement of goals within the limitations of the situation.

•Emphasizes the limitations of the rationality and thus provides a better picture of the day-to-day decision-making processes used by most people.

•Partially explains why different individuals make different decisions when they have exactly the same information.

•Describes the decision-making process in terms of the particular interests and goals of powerful external and internal stakeholders.

•Political processes are most likely to occur when decisions involve powerful stakeholders, disagreement over choice of goals and people who are not searching for alternative solutions.

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