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Study unit 2

26 Aug 2021, 12:02 Publicly Viewable

GUESS WHO'S BACK, me yes me  cool.

Well, hello everyone wink.

I hope everyone is safe and that everyone is doing extremely well? I am a little overwhelmed with the studies and this math's assignment is FREAKING ME OUT ! is anyone feeling the same ? As if it wasn't enough that I was bugged with the flu two weeks ago, now I have a ear infection that makes me not even want to turn my neck, talk about pain indecision, oh and also before I forget Monday our power was off the whole day and if I say the whole day I am talking from 7am till 9pm due to faulty cables. I feel like I am not getting anywhere with my studies and I feel like having a breakdown but then again I remember I have to stay strong because I have a little man looking up to me heart. I managed to complete my English, Afrikaans and Math's tests this week and also had some time to do my Math's assignment, but ugh just when I think I am going somewhere to the finishing point there pops up more assignments, ANOTHER MATH'S ASSIGNMENT, THREE OF THEMcryingI worked through the content of LSKM study unit 2 , and oh boy wasn't this something that I enjoyed, I learned so much about music. I feel a little bit more confident about my studies. Music Instruments Clipart by Jumsoft on Envato Elements

While working through the content of study unit 2, I learned and became aware of so much and realised that this is actually a module that I would be enjoying so much. Everything in study unit 2 was basically new to me, I loved everything from the music concepts to the activities. I learned why we move with the beat of the music and how we start to move without even noticing it, oh boy this was interesting. Oh, and before I forget, I didn't understand assignment 2 at all but after completing this study unit I exactly know what is expected and what I must do.  I enjoyed watching the video that Ms put up and it learned me a lot and everything is well explained. I never knew that in music the meter had to be found at first I was a little lost, but now I know what it means. This study unit learned me a lot and I learned that there is a variety of different methods to do music with and different instruments. Music is important to learners and I learned that music plays a big role in their lives from their needs to their culture. My confidence since the beginning from the semester till after completing study unit 2 went from a 30% to a 80% which means I feel a little more confident about LSKM. I know a little more about music and I am enjoying it. But hey, we have to learn to enjoy something.  

As a foundation phase teacher I would definitely choose contemporary commercial music because here all the music is included from being popular to music in movies or commercials. I choose this because this is something that all the learners would be aware of and know for example it would be something that they already know from a movie or a commercial and we all know today's learners know everything. Making use of contemporary commercial music is also something that all the learners would be comfortable with because there is a variety and learners enjoy music that they are familiar with. 

I do think that they content and examples in study unit 2 is inclusive. Study unit 2 included everything that we need to be aware of and also made us aware of the different elements in music. It included a lot of valuable information that I wasn't ware of. The examples and content included everyone and everything so that no one would feel left behind, from different music types to cultures and different languages.

Personally I do not feel that there must be any changes in study unit 2 because everything was perfectly laid out and well taught. There is one point that I want to lay out is that there must be more examples for the other grades in foundation phase because there is mainly only examples for Grade 1's and also some more languages could be interpreted such. Overall I feel like this was an outstanding study unit and everything was well laid out. 

In my opinion I feel that the content of this study unit actually prepared me for my teaching practice and also for when I want to become a teacher one day.

Well I enjoyed talking to you guys again but I have to go now cheeky.

I'll be back SOON laugh.

please bloggers STAY SAFE.

till next time




Says J NAIDOO at 29 Aug 2021, 11:26

good day Bronwyn, I fully agree with your reasoning and points that you have stated, great blog post. Looking forward to reading more of your blogs

Says LINDIE CLAASSENS at 29 Aug 2021, 11:51

I do agree with you Bronwyn, contemporary commercial music is probably the best to choose from, because of how popular movies and stories are today, children hear popular songs on the radio, and probably know the words before we do. So this would be best suited for sure.

And I also feel the same regarding the maths, it just feels like a never-ending story, time management is definitely being tested to the limits this year.

Says L GRIESEL at 8 Sep 2021, 19:09

Bronwyn, what a lovely read. Thank you for keeping it real. It feels as if you are writing with my pen.

I didn't even realize that the example grades are mostly grade R and 1 until I read it in your blog. This is truly something that I would also like to learn more of. I enjoyed the study unit in the same way you did. Music can have a wonderful effect on people. Amongst other, it uplifts the mood and inspires, it lessens stress, improve focus, help relaxation, condenses anxiety and depression.

Next time when you feel a little overwhelmed with all the studying and balancing life to fit everything in, put on some music and take a step back. Play with your son, enjoy the fresh spring breeze and smell the blossoms.

Good luck with your busy schedule, you're not alone. x

Says ---------- at 8 Sep 2021, 21:55

Good evening Bronwyn

I agree with you about watching the video and making use of the resources available to us :)

I also want to tell you that you are not alone. The other modules are a lot of work and it is very easy to fall into a slump that feels that we would never get out of, but then we get to do a fun module like this and it makes it all better and gives us a bit of a breather to gather strength to go on.

Keep going! You are doing great!