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Study Unit 3: Blog 4

19 Sep 2021, 23:25 Publicly Viewable

Part 1

This has been one hectic week.  Just when you think you can take a breath, something else comes up.  Right now, my back aches from sitting in front of the laptop for hours on end, and my 9.5-month baby girl misses mommy’s undivided attention.  My husband had to dish up for himself and I was so busy with WIL that I forgot to feed my baby for the first time ever! 

I have had to make strict changes to my schedule and time management to balance home life, mommy duties, and student life.  This is my hectic life and I must do what I can to make it work because I have always loved teaching and I love being a wife and mother.  I can make this work.

Taking a deep breath.  Tomorrow will be better



What possibly made some learners uncomfortable during these activities?

Could be the type of music was unfamiliar or I feel that the learners were shy and uncomfortable because they were expected to dance in front of others.  Not everyone has the same confidence as everyone else.  If you are like me, you would feel embarrassed because you lack rhythm and can’t dance, and being placed in that situation just makes you withdraw more into yourself. 

Why were some learners uncomfortable?

Because they did not understand the song that was playing or it is because they did not know how to dance to this type of music.

Can you think of ways to address these issues in the future? What will you change?

Asking the child why they are not comfortable is the first place to start.  It would help me identify the root cause of the problem.  If the child was just shy, I would pair them with children who are similar where they would feel comfortable and not overwhelmed.

I would choose music that includes all the learners in my class.  I would have a theme every week where we discover a different language, different genres.

I would never force a child to do something that they are not comfortable with.  If it is a formal assessment, I will arrange that the child performs it in private.

How can we accommodate diverse learner profiles in our classrooms? What must we beware of?

As I mentioned above, I would incorporate all cultures and genres in my classroom and have weekly themes where the children can participate in group discussions, games, and activities based on the culture of the week.  I would have them dress in the culture of the week's clothing on a Friday and have them give a small speech about what they have learned about their peers and the culture of the week.  They will learn about each other from each other.


That's it for me.  I know we are all very busy and it gets overwhelming, but I leave you with the following:



Says ---------- at 23 Sep 2021, 13:52

Hi Chyrel

I agree with you. The children need to be exposed to the country's different cultures, and it's a great idea that they should dress according to their culture. It then helps them with their self-confidence.

Enjoy the day further.

Be safe