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Module Code: MFPC 111
Module Name: Mathematics Fundamentals For Phoundation Phase Course
Module credits: 12 credits
This implies that you spend a total of 120 hours to master the outcomes of this module successfully.
You must have access to a computer because you are required to hand in typed assignments according to the requirements given for each assignment.
You must have internet access for e-Fundi use: Off campus
You have to be familiar with basic research skills as well, because you will be expected to execute certain tasks for which you will need to find, analyse or logically argue the information found in articles and/or on the internet.
Purpose of the module:
The purpose of this module is to give students the opportunity to gain knowledge of the fundamentals of effective teaching and learning of Mathematics in ECED (Early Childhood Education and Development) with the focus on the Foundation Phase. This module also aims to equip the student with the knowledge, skills and values required to become an effective Foundation Phase teacher.
Requirements for successful completion of the module:
Participation mark: minimum 40% to obtain admission to examination
The participation mark is calculated by using of the semester test and assignment marks in a 50:50 proportion
All practical tasks must have been completed and a minimum of 50% obtained for every task
Examination sub minimum: 50%
The examination paper will count a minimum of 100 marks, and 180 minutes will be permitted for completion of the paper. The questions will be aimed at the learning outcomes of each study unit, and the student will be expected to apply, evaluate and critically argue the knowledge the student have obtained in the course of the module.
A subminimum of 40% is required for the paper in order to qualify for passing this module. Any result lower than 40% for the paper thus implies that the student fail the module, notwithstanding his/her participation mark.
You need a final module mark of at least 50% to pass the module
Compulsory study material
Relevant articles and materials can be download from the resource tool
Warning against plagiarism
Plagiarism is a serious offence and you should familiarise yourself with the plagiarism policy of the NWU.
Please refer to the Policy on Academic Integrity which is found on the following website:
If the lecturer is able to prove copying of assignments (plagiarism) a mark of 0 will be awarded for the assignment to all involved parties! No further opportunity to settle marks lost in this regard will be provided to parties guilty of plagiarism.