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Welkom by EDTC 112 2022

Welcome to EDTC 112 2022


In EDTC 112 we  will use Microsoft Teams as our online platform for our "contact" class discussions.

Our discussions will be on the days you are scheduled to have class.

Use your when registering for MS teams.


We will communicate within a group use the link to join the class.

Verwittig jouself van die leerinhoude en die module-inligting deur die "Start here / Begin hier" vakkie aan die linkerkant te besoek.

Acquaint yourself with the study content and module-information by visiting the "Start here / Begin hier" tab on the left.

Vanderbijlpark Campus

Students from Vanderbijlpark Campus will also attend EDTC 112 classes with me, I will put up my table so that you see when you classes will take place on the very same platform-MS TEAMS.

Register your Gmail account

Students: Sign in with
(e.g. ) and your password is your Network password (the same one used for eFundi).


Studente van Vanderbijlparkkampus sal ook EDTC 112-klasse saam met my bywoon, ek sal my rooster opsit sodat julle kan sien wanneer julle klasse plaasvind, op dieselfde platform-MS-TEAMS.

NB NB: Vir navrae stuur 'n epos aan Eposse is ALTYD formeel en is nie 'n kort "WhatsApp" tipe boodskap nie. Onthou dit ook vir al jou kommunikasie met al die ander dosente.

IMPORTANT: For any enquiries, send an email to Emails should ALWAYS be written formally and are not short "WhatsApp" type messages. Remember this for all your communication with all your other lecturers as well.

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