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Dear Students.
Kindly receive my warm welcome to HISV211 module. This module is centered on both African History and European History.The Aim of this module is the usher Prospective Social Sciences and History teachers into understanding the contemporary South Africa and the World drawing from the past. The module will focus on your personal and professional development as a future teacher. By the end of this module you should be able to engage with current debates and issues such as Colonialism, Decolonialization in South Africa, Slavery, etc.
This module exists out of what we in the academic world call credits which implies that you will need a certain amount of hours to complete this module. This includes study time, the preparation of assignments, examinations, etc. Note that this document is compile for distance and contact students. Where instructions for the two modes might differ, it will be clearly specified as such.
What is expected from Students.
- To complete the required assignments
- You need access to a computer and the internet.
- Consult the university’s general academic rules for the curriculum and other requirements of the program.
- In this document you will find all the important information relevant to the module.
- If you experience any problems with the content of this module, you should feel free to contact your facilitators/lecturers via the preferred method.
- Lecture details: Tuesdays 01h00- 02h15 PM
- Lecturer : Ms. N. Mqadi
- Email :
- Office No : G134
- Telephone : 018 389 9005