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Welkom by / Welcome to

BSTG 111







Dosent / Lecturer: Ms Mamello Bila

E-pos / Email:

Kantoor / Office:    Building A16

Kantoornommer / Office number:  Room 140


Hartlik welkom by hierdie module in die studie van Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe vir Onderwys. BSTG 111 fokus op Entrepreneurskap en is spesifiek ontwerp vir studente wat nie Besigheidstudies as ʼn hoofvak in die Senior- en VOO-fases geneem het nie. Hierdie module berei voornemende onderwysers voor om Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe vir EBW-leerders in Grade 7-9 aan te bied.


BSTG 111 is ʼn 8-krediet module wat beteken dat jy ongeveer 80 uur benodig (insluitend studietyd, voorbereiding vir kontaksessies, werkopdragte en die eksamen, ens.) om hierdie module suksesvol af te handel. Die doel van hierdie module is om studente die geleentheid te bied om kennis van basiese entrepreneurskap te verwerf en inligting te hanteer oor die volhoubaarheid van nuwe besigheidsidees, basiese navorsingsvaardighede soos versameling en stawing van inligting uit verskeie bronne, die vermoë om inligting, verbaal of skriftelik, samehangend en betroubaar te kommunikeer deur verskillende tegnologieë en media, die vermoë om individueel of as deel van ʼn groep in hul sosiale omgewing te funksioneer en om toepaslike bydraes te lewer om werkopdragte suksesvol te voltooi.


Ek vertrou dat, afgesien van die selfverryking wat hierdie kursus jou sal bied, dit jou ook met die nodige vaardighede sal toerus om veranderinge in die onderwysomgewing en vakkurrikulering (daarop gerig om ʼn meer entrepreneuries georiënteerde opvoeding aan leerders te bied) teweeg te bring sodat jy jou roeping as ʼn opvoeder kan vervul.


We wish you a very warm welcome to this module in the study of Economic and Management Sciences for Education.  BSTG 111 will focus on Entrepreneurship and is specifically designed for students who do not have Business Studies as a main subject in the Senior and FET Phase.  This module will prepare prospective teachers to present Economic and Management Sciences for EMS Learners in Grade 7-9. 


BSTG 111 is an 8-credit module which implies that you require approximately 80 hours (including study time, preparation for contact sessions, assignments and the examination, etc) to complete this module successfully.  The purpose of this module is to give students the opportunity to gain knowledge with regard to basic entrepreneurship and manage information about the sustainability of new business ideas,  basic research skills such as gathering and verifying information from various sources, the ability to communicate information coherently and reliably verbally or in writing, via different technologies and media, the ability to operate individually or as part of a group in their social environment and to make appropriate contributions to successfully complete assignments.


I trust that, apart from the self-enrichment that this course will offer you, it will also equip you with the necessary skills to bring about changes in the teaching environment and subject curriculation (aimed at providing a more entrepreneur-orientated education to learners) in order for you to fulfil your calling as educator..


Hierdie module is gegrond op sleutelterme, konsepte, gevestigde beginsels en teorieë met verwysing na entrepreneurskap en verwante faktore.

Studente wat nie Besigheidstudies as ʼn hoofvak in die Senior- en VOO-fases geneem het nie, moet BSTG studeer om hulle bekend te stel aan sleutelkonsepte om Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe van Graad 7 tot 9 in die AOO-fase te onderrig.


This module is based on key terms, concepts, established principles and theories with reference to Entrepreneurship and related factors.

Students who do not have Business Studies as a main subject in the Senior and FET-phase are required to have BSTG to introduce them to key concepts in order to teach Economic and Management Sciences from Gr. 7-9 in the Senior-phase.


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