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10 Nov 2021, 16:17 Publicly Viewable

STUDY UNIT: 5 FIVE  What Does This Emoji Mean? Emoji Face Meanings Explained

What does the open hands emoji mean? - Archyde Hi everyone!! Yes I know this blog is a little late  but wow things have been so hectic lately. I’ve been trying very hard to stay up to date with all my assignments and work since my efundi has been off for 2 weeks. I had registration issues and modules that had to be sorted out by IT. I’m so grateful that they managed to help me, I was super stressed out. I must also say being pregnant with twins, having a busy four year old and having exams and assignments to finish is really difficult but all we can do is pray and keep pushing!!

Good luck to everyone busy with exams right now!! Stay positive <3


Q1: What could the possible reasons be that assessment is neglected in Performing Arts and music in the Foundation Phase?

Firstly it is because performing arts and music is not taken as a “serious subject”, especially in the foundation phase. It is seen more as fun and is not taken as seriously as mathematics or life skills.  Secondly because educators don’t exactly know how to assess learners when it comes to performing arts and music.


5 Oct 2021, 14:35 Publicly Viewable

Good afternoon everyone. I hope everyone’s doing okay and staying safe. My week has been very mediocre, I’ve just been “going with the flow”. Besides watching my stomach grow bigger and bigger everyday there hasn’t been anything exciting or interesting going on.

I have however really been enjoying the work from study unit 4.


Q 1. Some people might say that arts integration is a waste of time in Foundation Phase education. Please explain how you would respond to such a statement by explaining your view on arts integration in the Foundation Phase.

  1. They call it the Foundation phase for a reason, this is the phase wherein learners are the most attentive and where most of their morals and values are built. Integrating art in the foundation phase is of much importance because it is through art: music, dancing, drawing, painting etc that a child’s intellectual level is GREATELY developed. The Arts include all the fundamental aspects to enhanced brain development as it includes all sensory activities.

Q 2. Which aspects of study unit 4 did you find the most interesting and challenging?  Please use the following prompts to reflect on your experience:

What did you find interesting? Please explain why.

What did you find challenging? Please explain why

  1. The benefits of an integrative approach, I find this extremely interesting because using the arts aids learners to understand and apply skills to standardized exams. Through different learning styles, focus and concentration can be enhanced.

Personally, what I find difficult is integrating or implementing these activities in an appropriate manner in a classroom. Knowing how exactly to add a music activity to a mathematics class is easier said than done.


5 Oct 2021, 14:30 Publicly Viewable


Hello guys, I hope you’re all doing good. The last time I blogged I told you how I’ve been finding it a bit difficult coping with being a full time, pregnant with twins, mom. Well, I’m happy to say this week has, with the help of my amazing husband, been much easier.  Although it’s a lot of effort dealing with everything, I have been finding much more time to sit down and concentrate on my studies.


            What possibly made some learners uncomfortable during these activities?

  • The games only included African music. Some of the learners who are not of black African ethnicity could find it confusing because they don’t understand it and they simply don’t enjoy dancing to music that they are not particularly used to.

Why were some learners uncomfortable?

  • In my opinion, some learners felt uncomfortable because they did not understand the song and felt unincluded, or some learners felt uncomfortable because dancing is something that could be against their religion.

Can you think of ways to address these issues in future? What will you change?

  • I would start by translating ALL songs to all the learners to ensure that there is no confusion and that learners have a complete understand of what it means and why, and I would also first address learners and ask if they would be comfortable with partaking in dancing activities. I feel that allowing learners to consent to something instead of forcing them to do it will build a trust between the learner and the teacher.

How can we accommodate diverse learner profiles in our classrooms? What must we beware of?

By really getting to know our learners, their ethnicity, religious and cultural beliefs and their overall morals and values, as teachers it is our responsibility to make our classrooms a “safe zone” where learners feel free to be themselves at ALL times. We need to have a good understanding of who our learners are, this will ensure that all resources we use in class will never offend any learner in any way


5 Oct 2021, 14:27 Publicly Viewable

Hi there everyone, I hope everyone is doing well.

I have been having the most difficult week ever. Expecting twins has become a major factor in my life, I have been experiencing a lot of nausea and fatigue. Although I’m loving and living in every precious moment of being pregnant with two girls I must say I have been finding it quite difficult lately to concentrate on my son, my health and my studies. I seem to have fallen behind a bit but I am determined to get myself back on track. My studies mean a lot to me so falling behind does give me a lot of stress.

Q 1. As a Foundation Phase teacher, you have to choose between utilizing indigenous African music, Western Art music or contemporary commercial music (including popular music and film music) in your classes. Which would you choose? Please motivate your answer.

  1. In my own opinion I would not limit myself to only using one but ALL, my first reason being that I would love for there to be diversity and inclusivity in my classroom. I would however do extensive research about ANY AND ALL music genres I would use, to ensure I know the meanings and hidden meanings behind all the songs I choose to introduce to my learners.

Q 2. Do you think that the examples and content offered in SU 2 are inclusive? Please motivate your answer.

  1. Yes, I do believe they are inclusive. They do not only include examples of only western music or instruments.

Q 3. What suggestions do you have for making the content more inclusive? Please provide examples of how the content and activities presented in SU 2 could be changed or adapted to be more inclusive

  1. The inclusivity could be enhanced by adding more diverse examples that include more cultural activities not just western and African. To cater for the variety of learners we have in south African classrooms. We must remember that South Africa schools are filled with many children from many different countries, religions, and cultural backgrounds. All learners should feel included.


5 Oct 2021, 14:25 Publicly Viewable

 Hi everyone, I’m Luclin Appels and I’m a second-year student. I’m from Klerksdorp but living in Pretoria now. I’m happily married for almost 5 years with a busy 3-year-old and twins on the way. I always wanted to study teaching, because working with children is my passion, I just can’t wait to become a teacher. My grade 1 teacher inspired me to become a teacher with the love, warmth, and caring heart she has, she always made us feel so safe, I can’t wait to make other children feel the way she made us felt.

Something I’ve always been very passionate about are children. Growing up as the eldest sibling as well as the first grandchild of many grandchildren I have spent basically my whole life around children and taking care of them.


Q 1. Would you please describe your confidence in your current knowledge and skills to teach music through movement in the Foundation Phase as you start your LSKM 221 journey? In your answer, please also refer to your confidence to integrate music into your teaching practice currently

  1. After reading through and studying study unit one I have learned various new information about the inclusion of music in a classroom and how many benefits it has to the learner’s development. I feel completely confident in my newly found knowledge about the inclusion of music in a classroom and I believe that I will be capable of incorporating music in an appropriate manner in my class.

Q 2. When thinking about facilitating holistic development in the Foundation Phase, we need to consider, for example, cognitive development, personal development, social development, emotional development and physical development. We also need to consider literacy and numeracy skills, language acquisition, creativity, problem solving and midline crossing.

Both music and physical education play important roles in the holistic development of the young learner. However, if you have to choose between incorporating Music education OR Physical education in the Foundation Phase curriculum to meet the holistic development needs of learners, which would you choose? In your answer, please explain which would be the best choice to ensure the opportunity for the holistic development of the learner and motivate your answer

  1. I would choose music education, because music education promotes physical development, social development, cognitive development, personal development as well as emotional development.

Luclin Appels Study Unit 2

7 Sep 2021, 22:35 Publicly Viewable

What new things did you become aware of when working through this study units content:

* I become aware of the great significance of music in a classroom. It is an element that is so helpful yet so overlooked. Music caters to so many diverse students, who’s intellects all differ during the foundation phase. Music creates a common ground between students as well as with the teacher. 

What inhibited your learning this week? would you care to elaborate:

* What truly stood out for me was the approach of Zoltan Kodaly, he developed an approach which promotes musical development through active participation in music listening, moving and singing. The reason why this was something that stood out for me was because of his passion to implement a lifelong love for music in his students.


7 Sep 2021, 22:28 Publicly Viewable

Hi everyone I’m Luclin Appels and I’m a second year student. I’m from Klerksdorp but living in Pretoria now. I’m happily married for almost 5 years with a busy 3 year old boy and twins on the way. I always wanted to study teaching, because working with children is my passion, I just can’t wait to become a teacher. My Grade 1 teacher inspired me to become a teacher with the love, warmth and caring heart she had, she always made us feel so safe, happy and comfortable. I cant wait to make other children feel the way she made us feel. I also love dancing and singing, going on holiday (by the sea is my favourite place to be), I just love spending time with my family and also too cook and bake. Im very excited to learn more about this module because my family and I loves music, though I strive how to play instruments. I know this module will teach me much more about music and the importance of music in a childs development.