And so good things come to an end...cant believe this is the last blog entry for this module. Little sad that we are now towards to the end, but also excited to say that I have learnt so much!
As I am not a student teacher at the moment, I have not had the opportunity to be exposed to Music in the FP so at the start of this module, I was literally coming in with little to no knowledge about Music in the FP. I was very excited for this module to begin as I knew that my eyes would be open to something new and interesting and was looking forward to learning everything there is to know about Music in the FP. I have always known that music can have an impact on one's life, as it has for me personally, but how and in what way does it impact a young learner? As we dug deeper into the module content week after week, I became to really understand Music and the impact and importance thereof for young learners. I believe that my knowledge and skills have grown tremendously, whilst navigating and learning the module content.
I honestly thought that blogging about our individual reflections of this module would be so difficult as I don't see myself as someone that can openly reflect for other individuals to read. It was a little challenging and intimidating at first but this whole experience has really been interesting and inspiring. I believe that through my individual reflections, I have seen how much knowledge I have gained throughout this module and also found that is so important to reflect on areas where you know that you still need to grow in and have a plan to get there. I have also felt inspired by others, reading their posts and feeling that although we don't all know each other, we do share the same interest and passion in teaching.
I really found integrating music into other subjects and normal daily routines in class to be interesting and meaningful. The ideas and activities provided were fun and interesting and really illustrated how music can be used with other subjects in a fun way to make learning more interactive and interesting for learners, whilst still being mindful of a multicultural classroom and how to ensure we always promote inclusivity. I found the module very valuable and interesting and I wouldn't change anything about the module. This has been a fun module and I have managed to gain knowledge that I know I will utilize when I become a teacher.
Thank you Ms. Francis for a wonderful module and for making it interesting and easy to work through and understandable, and also for allowing us the opportunity to express ourselves. It really made my learning experience a good one!
Wish everyone good luck for the last part of this semester! Remember to add music to your journey, it makes the journey more enjoyable!!!
The last few weeks leading up to the end of this semester has been intense and busy. It feels as if there is so much to complete in very little time. Juggling work and studies this time of year is proving to be a difficult task and I am looking forward to the December break where I can take a break, physically and mentally.
This study unit was once again insightful. I think during my studies so far, the lesson plan proves to be a significant document for a teacher to affectively plan and action a lesson. There is so much that goes into the lesson plan and I have learnt through this study unit that a well planned lesson will cater for interesting, fun learning activities for learners to be actively engaged in the lesson and to connect and learn the content / concept. I enjoyed learning about the various assessments that teachers can use to assess their learners - I feel like I still have a lot to learn in this area.
With reference to the specific blog questions for this study unit - I think that the possible reasons why assessment is neglected in the Performing Arts (PA)and Music in the Foundation Phases is due to the lack of knowledge that teachers have on what assessments should be used / done in order to affectively assess learners creative outcomes of a learner in PA and Music. I also believe that not many teachers feel that PA and Music is important compared to other subjects such as English and Mathematics. Perhaps teachers do not know the importance of PA and Music for learners in terms of their holistic development and how this area has many benefits for a learner.
I believe that the HOD and other teachers need to understand and gain further knowledge about PA and Music and the benefits thereof so I would propose to the HOD for our school to attend a training course on the benefits that PA and Music have on learners as well as a workshop that provides the teaching staff with tools / insight on how important assessment is and how to properly assess learners in PA and Music.
Hope everyone is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and is looking forward to a well deserved break in December.
Although this week is recess week - I find myself working hard and trying to get ahead with assignments and my to do list.
This study unit highlighted the importance of arts integration into all subjects in the foundation phase. It also provided me with insight on how arts integration will benefit learners in terms of getting them fully engaged in learning and also making it a fun way to learn.
By reading the theory behind arts integration there is clear evidence through research that supports the benefit of arts integration in the foundation phase. I am not a teacher yet but I can see myself using arts integration in teaching subjects like English reading and writing, life skills and mathematics as this makes it fun for learners and also fosters collaboration. I think if teachers are using arts integration in their lessons, they using different methods to ensure their learners are able to demonstrate and apply what they are learning.
I found the examples of how integrating arts into your teaching in other subjects very interesting. It provided easy practical examples that are fun and interesting and a definite way to spark interest in learners.
To be honest, there was'nt anything in this study unit that I found challenging. I thoroughly enjoyed the research provided on the topic which made me ''dig'' a little deeper and to do further reading on the subject. It definitely sparked my interest!
I cant believe we nearing the end of the semester already. Time seems to pass us by so quickly, with life keeping us so busy, we need to take a moment to stop, breath and take in the moment. It is so important to find a balance with juggling so many tasks, something I am hoping that I will master one day.
I feel like I always start off each blog by saying how much I enjoyed this study unit but I am really finding this module interesting and fun. I love the idea of how children learn through play but I never knew the details of the theory of the types of play and how it contributes to children's holistic development so I found the types of play very interesting.
In terms of the questions for this blog and the stone passing game that the learners played, I think some children would possibly find this uncomfortable as the game is in Zulu and some learners that don't speak Zulu might have found the game difficult to understand. In terms of the dancing, I think some learners will be shy and lack confidence to be able to dance freely and express themselves in front of their peers. I think this would make some learners feel uncomfortable.
I think its a teachers responsibility to make learners feel comfortable with these activities and more importantly for teachers to make learners feel accepted and give them a safe environment to engage in these activities and not feel judged by their peers. I think as an English speaking person that cannot speak Zulu, I would encourage learners to try and show them that I am not able to speak Zulu but yet I am engaging in the activity and I might sound ''silly'' because I cant sing or pronounce the Zulu words properly but I am giving it a try. I also think it is important to play all types of games across all different cultures to make the games culturally diverse so all learners feel comfortable.
Having said that, I feel it is very important to know learners in your classroom and to be aware of not to ''push'' learners in games and activities that make them feel uncomfortable.
As a foundation phase teacher I would choose to use contemporary commercial music (including popular music and film music) in my class as I feel that this choice of music will be more relatable with the learners as they would be exposed to this type of music in the daily lives from music they hear at home with their parents as well as music from television shows and films that they watch.
I do think the examples and content discussed in SU 2 are inclusive because they are designed or addressed for all learners, irrespective of diverse needs (should there be in the classroom). They type of activities will reach all students and will be able to provide them with a sensory experience whilst learning music.
I would not change any of the content in this study unit, I really enjoyed this study unit as well as the extra videos that were made available to us. This helps a lot to understand the content better and to give us a better idea of how practically this would work with our learners. I would however like to suggest that perhaps more examples are given for other grades as well as I feel like the content or examples were only focused on Grade 1 or Grade 2 and not so much for Grade 3.
This week has been a busy week with juggling work and studies. We have only just begun with Semester 2 and already so much to get done! ♀️
I have always been a lover of music and having children of my own, they also enjoy music. I have heard the saying that a child that sings is a happy child. I often hear my own children singing and it instantly brings a smile to my face.
I wasr not aware of the benefits of music education on young children and how it affects or is beneficial to their development and how music can contribute to the holistic development of a child. I found the content about this in the module very interesting.
Part 1 - I would say that I am not yet confident enough in my ability to teach learners music through movement. I am not working as a student teacher at the moment where I would have most likely been able to touch on this with learners. I think this study unit was very insightful and helped me gain a better understanding on how to teach music and what important elements I would need to be aware of as a teacher.
Part 2 - This content regarding the holistic development of a child is very important for me. I think as a teacher you need to be aware of the different developmental stages in children in order to teach them musical knowledge and skills specific to their age as this will benefit the childs development. If we not aware of what is important at what stage/age of development, we might hamper the child's development.
Part 3 - I would choose music education over physical education as I believe music education encompasses all the factors that are needed for holistic development. As an example, I believe music will have more benefits in terms of a child's cognitive development as musical experiences will stimulate brain development, especially with language acquisition and reading skills.
My name is Candice Cilliers and I am 37 years old.
I currently reside in Alberton and have been working in a corporate company for the past 13 years. I have always wanted to become a teacher but as life happens, I was not able to fulfill this passion or dream of mine until now!!
I am passionate about children and want to make a difference in their lives and hope to get my honours in Special Education once I have completed my BEd degree.
I am so excited about this module and so eager to learn about music education and the benefits thereof. I believe music education is a fun way for children to learn and grow. I am looking forward to the content and the new knowledge I am going to learn and hope to put all the theory into practice one day!