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2 Nov 2021, 17:29 Publicly Viewable

Looks like we are back again, for one final time!! laughwink

HI BLOGGERS, How has everybody been doing? heartyes

 I’m not really feeling the excitement and enthusiasm about the semester coming to an end as we still have lots of tasks left to complete!! surpriseBut anyway, we are getting there slowly but surely.  Now back to our final blog, I am quite excited to end off our blog posts on a positive note as I have learnt quite a bit about music but most importantly communication.

Questions on final blog post:

  1. Please share your story as an LSKM 221 student by comparing your knowledge, skills, experiences, abilities and attitude towards music education from the start of the semester to the end of the semester.

I always knew music was a great way for me to express myself, however at the beginning of the semester I was quite nervous as I did not know what lied ahead of me with regards to LSKM 221. I thought I would have to partake in different dances, etc. but I am so glad that LSKM 221 had taught me more that I could have ever imagined. Who knew there was more to music than just singing or knowing you’re favourite Ed Sheeran or Mariah Carey song off by heart? I had thoroughly enjoyed learning about the different concepts of music each week as it has shaped me into becoming a more confident teacher when teaching music to my learners in my classroom. I loved engaging in each study unit because not only did I benefit from all the knowledge presented to me weekly I also had the opportunity to use my knowledge from each study unit and apply it in my own grade 2 classroom which my students greatly benefitted from as well.

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  1. What was your experience of the role of individual reflection as part of the teaching and learning process? Use the following prompts to reflect on your blogging experience and the role that individual reflection played (or not) in your teaching and learning experience this semester:
  • What did you learn from your individual reflections?

First and foremost, I had learnt how to express myself through music a lot more. Engaging in these individual reflections helped me understand and test my knowledge as I read through each study unit. It made me question as to what I learnt from this study unit and apply it in my individual reflection. These reflections helped me understand the concepts better as I had to thoroughly engage to understand the concepts of each study unit.

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  • What did you find challenging?

Time management had to be one of the factors I found most challenging surprise. I found it extremely challenging as each week or second week we had a blog to do but as much as it was overwhelming, these individual blogs was kind of an escape from all the stressors of university as assignments, tests, etc. as it helped me sit for at least an hour each day to express myself informally and engage with others whilst still doing university tasks!

  • Did you find the individual reflections meaningful? Please motivate your answer.

Yes laugh, I did find the individual reflections meaningful as it helped me identify and take time to understand each study unit better, as opposed to just reading through each study unit. It helped me identify the knowledge and interpret the knowledge in which I had learnt from each study unit.

  • What would you change if you had the opportunity in future?

I wouldn’t really change anything in the future, as these individual reflections was of a great benefit for my knowledge of music

  1. Please share what you would change in the LSKM221 module if you had the opportunity. The following prompts can guide your reflection:
  • What did you find interesting and meaningful?

I found the different concepts and benefits of music interesting and meaningful in this module enlightened.

  • What challenged you, and what do you still struggle to understand?

Nothing really challenged me and I did not struggle to understand any concepts, as the layouts as well as explanations given were extremely easy to understand and useful in my assignments, tests as well as teaching practice.

  • What didn’t you find valuable for your future teaching practice?

I didn’t find any concept less valuable as each concept had a value of its own and taught me a vast variety of tips and skills to use in my future teaching practice.


Well, this is the last bit from me for LSKM 221. Stay safe everyone and I wish you a very merry Christmas and happy New Year as this is our last time coming together to share our knowledge with LSKM 221 laughheart.

Happy new year glitter clipart



21 Oct 2021, 18:15 Publicly Viewable

Hi everyone laugh

 It has been a while since I have blogged on the LSKM site. Term 3 holidays at work came to an end 2 weeks ago, as much as I looked forward to the 1 week holiday to rest, that actually didn’t go according to plan as I spent most of my time catching up and completing assignments. Just when I thought I had everything under control I realized that the assignments and tests are not over just as yet!

As for work, it has been just as hectic! I had started assessments with my grade 2s this week as this term is really short and there isn’t much time to get anything done. Not to mention all the fun day events that has been going on!! My goodness, life can keep us on our toes 24/7. Anyway, let me get back to the reason as to why I am blogging today enlightened

I had learnt quite a bit from this study unit enlightened, but what had stood out to me the most was the different ways in which teachers can go about planning lessons according to performing arts as well as how lessons should be structured from the introduction phase to the teaching and learning phase as well as the conclusion phase.

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The following questions about the study unit:

  1. What could the possible reasons be that assessment is neglected in Performing Arts and Music in the Foundation Phase?
  • Insufficient time for performing arts in the classroom as curriculum of academics needs to be covered by teachers.
  • The school may not be a creative school whereby such activities are planned or implemented.
  • The school may lack resources and equipment for learners to partake in such activities.
  • There may not be any skilled or educated teachers at the school for music to be implemented in the curriculum.
  • Teachers may not feel it’s necessary to partake in music for learners.

  1. Explain how you would advocate for and heighten awareness about the importance of assessment when speaking with your HOD about your concerns in this regard.

  • I will show proof as to how music can benefit learners in many ways.
  • I will further explain how learners enjoy music and how it can overall positively impact their academics.
  • I will explain how music helps learners build many skills such as independence, creativity and confidence.
  • I will explain to the HOD that music and performing arts allows for learners to express themselves positively in the classroom and allows for a safe space for learners.
  • I will explain further that as part of the life skills curriculum it is compulsory to teach performing arts, music, dance etc.
  • I will also further explain the different ways in which these activities should be implemented as it will help aid learners in other subject areas.
  • I will provide different ideas and activities to show the HOD how music can be implemented.

This topic has helped me realize how music lesson plans should be set out as well as all the characteristics needed to adhere to.

Hope everyone has a blessed and blissful week, chat soon!! laughheart


21 Sep 2021, 18:49 Publicly Viewable

Hi bloggers laughheart

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How are you guys doing?angel I hope you are doing well and keeping safe. So far my weekend and start to a new week has been good laugh. I’m slowly learning how to manage and balance my time with work and studies. It feels really good because now I can at least have 1 or 2 days break from university work as I am completing all my tasks timeously.  Although I am still feeling the after effects of contracting COVID 19 with feeling extremely tired, but this too shall passangel.

After engaging in study unit 4 I realised the importance of art. I know art brings out the best in learners in brings positivity to learners as well as helps learners identify their creative side. Art can be integrated in both Mathematics and English as well. I know from my own personal experiences, art brings calmness to learners and helps learners pay more attention to what they are putting their time and effort into in the classroom environment. Art helps learners in many ways as it helps their mind run wild which helps in brain stimulation which is of vital importance.

I found this study unit extremely interesting because I enjoy art and love seeing how creative learners can be in the classroom when doing different art activities, their excitement when engaging in art brings such a positive and enthusiastic aura to the classroom environment. 

To answer the following questions:

  1. Some people might say that arts integration is a waste of time in Foundation Phase education. Please explain how you would respond to such a statement by explaining your view on arts integration in the Foundation Phase.

I totally disagree with this statement. Art helps develop many abilities within a learner such as developing creative problem solving skills which is a very important skill to have. Art helps bring calmness as well as excitement for learners in the classroom. Art helps develop independence as well as sense of ownership within learners which is an extremely important skill to have and develop, which is why I disagree with the above statement as arts integration is a waste of time. Art integration helps learners express themselves and what they have learnt in the classroom through different art forms. By integrating arts in the classroom, it helps identify as well as reveals learners potential such as hidden talents or creativity. I believe that art helps develop collaborative skills which in turns helps learners develop good social skills amongst each other. I also believe that art nurtures children to be inventiveness as it engages the child in a process that helps in the development of self-esteem, self-motivation, self-discipline and cooperation. Working cooperatively helps learners build patience to produce creative arts in the classroom. Integrating arts allows for learners to use their imagination and just run wild with all the creative ideas that come to mind laugh. From my own personal experience, I love witnessing the joy from my learners in the classroom when engaging in art whether it is just cutting paper, colouring or drawing it brings such excitement to them and helps them in many ways, it helps bring out their CREATIVE SIDE which sometimes may surprise them as well as they realize how much potential they have which encourages them to continue doing their best in the classroom.

  1. Which aspects of study unit 4 did you find the most interesting and challenging?  Please use the following prompts to reflect on your experience:

  • What did you find interesting? Please explain why.

Whilst engaging in su4, I found the examples and strategies to integrate arts in the classroom as it listed very creative and innovative ideas that can be used in the classroom with many different objects as well for different subjects such as maths which include counting which in turn can also develop and improve learners mathematical abilities, etc.  

  • What did you find challenging? Please explain why.

Whilst reading through all the units in study unit 4, I learnt many different ways to integrate music and arts in the classroom. I personally did not find anything challenging as it well set out and explained in detail. I thoroughly enjoyed this study unit. It brought a greater understanding to me about how to integrate arts in the classroom environment and the many ways in which it can be taught.

Until next time bloggers smiley,

have a blissful week and amazing long weekend, keep safe laughheart.


15 Sep 2021, 18:56 Publicly Viewable

Hi bloggers, we are back once again smileyheart 

How has everybody been?

I must say, from our last blog on study unit 2 to our recent blog of study unit 3, I had gone through the most in my personal life. I had contracted COVID-19 last week. What a terrible experience to say the least being in isolation for 10 days and not being able to interact with my loved ones, oh and not forgetting experiencing all those terrible symptoms, but I am extremely grateful to have recovered from the virus in this week. WHAT AN ORDEAL! The after effects are affecting me quite a bit this week which is why I am not having a good week, I’ve been stressed with catching up with work and completing assessments with my little grade 2s as well as marking their assessments, it has been a lot but I’m grateful that I get the opportunity to be in a classroom whilst still studying through NWU as I notice a lot of what we learn as students at NWU in my everyday teaching life. 

To brighten up my spirits, as I had mentioned in my previous blogs, music gives me life and makes me who I am. Another study unit has been uploaded of LSKM and I get to engage in learning more and more about my love for music and how it can positively impact the little minds that I teach every day in my classroom which also brings them joy which in turn makes my grade 2 classroom a joy and pleasure to teach!

I thoroughly enjoyed learning how play can impact music in the classroom as well as the different types of play and how it could be implemented in the classroom. I had also learnt how play with music can develop many skills within a learner which is of vital importance for musicianship. I loved exploring the different elements of play and how each element has a different benefit for learners when engaging in music and play.

I had also learnt (my favourite part) the different kinds of play and how to implement it with music in the classroom, such as dancing, clapping hands, singing, drama play as well as stone passing.

As I read through the prescribed passage for study unit 3, it was such an eye opener for me for some reason but I could also relate as I had attended a primary school whereby Zulu was an additional language and I would often feel out of place as I did not 100% understand the languagesad but never the less I enjoyed interacting in the language as one of my subjects with the help of my friends getting me through, I was proud of myself as I could fluently read the language but often has no clue what the passage was saying but never the less I was proud as I learnt to fluently READ the language. I had also learnt to sing different songs in Zulu off by heart which was a proud and outstanding moment for me in my primary school experience; I had even performed a solo Zulu song in front of the whole school for cultural day, what an experience that was! One for the books, hey? smileysmileylaughcheeky

I believe that incorporating music with different cultures and traditions is of vital importance as it helps give learners a sense of belonging in the classroom and allows for learners to express themselves in the most positive way possible when their culture or religion is being exposed to or incorporated in the classroom through music. Whilst reading through the scenario, I stepped into the 2 little kiddies shoes for a second and understood their concerns and disappointments and realized that it is important to make each and every learners cultures, beliefs, values and morals KNOWN IN THE CLASSROOM AND INCLUDED.

To answer the following questions:

What possibly made some learners uncomfortable during these activities?

In my personal opinion, I feel what had made the learners feel uncomfortable is that they are not aware of the language and felt uncomfortable knowing that they did not know the words of the song. From a personal experience when in primary school as I had mentioned earlier on, not knowing what a person is saying or when they were singing the song can make a person feel extremely uncomfortable as they do not understand what is going on whereas when they are aware of a language and someone says “hi how are you?” they understand because that’s the language that they are aware of. If someone had to ask these learners “Sawubona, unjani?” they would not know how to respond as they cannot comprehend what had just being said. Which is why I feel that the learners felt uncomfortable as they were not aware of the song or what the song had meant as well as they felt left out which made them feel uncomfortable as they could see others singing the song confidently and they weren’t comfortable as they did not know the words to the song, how to sing it and what the whole song and game was about including the passing of stone whilst singing. Learners mostly girls felt uncomfortable dancing to songs around boys as this is not practiced in their religions and homes with their families.

Why were some learners uncomfortable?

Learners were uncomfortable as they do not speak the language and could not comprehend the song or the value of the game which included the stone. The learners were uncomfortable for religious reasons as females may not dance around boys for various reasons this could be for modesty and protection of females in their culture. Learners were also uncomfortable as they could probably not 100% participate in the game as they did not understand the language in which the song was sung sad.

Can you think of ways to address these issues in future? What will you change?

  • In future, I would address the issue by firstly asking those that are not comfortable dancing in front of the class with others to kindly let me know as it will definitely be taken into consideration.
  • I will also incorporate songs with various languages and discuss beforehand the translation meanings of these songs in a language that is understood by all learners for a better understanding and for learners to feel completely comfortable in engaging in the activity or game without feeling left out.

How can we accommodate diverse learner profiles in our classrooms? What must we beware of?

As a foundation phase teacher, we should always be aware of the different cultures and religions of learners in our classroom as well as do research to learn about the differences as well as how to accommodate these differences in the classroom especially with activities such as music, dance, singing, etc. We can accommodate these learners by creating activities that will suit all learners comfort needs as well as their religious practices. We can incorporate all the cultures in the classroom to create a safe and comfortable environment for learners to express themselves and have a sense of belonging knowing that their culture or belief is of vital importance and is noticed and appreciated by the teachers as well as others in the classroom enlightened.

Wow, I can type, type, type away, but that’s all from me for this week, I look forward to reading and interacting with your blogs as well as hearing back from you with regards to my blog today cheekyyes.

          Have a blissful week bloggers and stay safesmileyheart.


26 Aug 2021, 18:36 Publicly Viewable

Hello, Hallo, Sawubona, Mholweni, Lumela everyone laughlaugh

We are all back at it again bloggers wink, How is everybody’s week going? coolenlightenedI hope everyone is well, happy and safe angel. I’m sure we are all getting into the swing of things with the new semester and our to-do lists are probably getting longer and longer by each passing day blush.

Today, I am feeling extremely exhausted no. This week has been hectic with no water at work which resulted in learners not being able to attend school for the first 2 days in the week, trying to catch up with the curriculum has been exhausting but I'm glad I made it through.

Assignments and tests are piling up and my to-do list seems to be growing by the day. I am feeling so overwhelmed with my studies, I feel like I am going at a slower pace this semester which is worrisome to me. But I always have to remind myself not to be so hard on myself because not every day is going to be a great day.

But then again, its a new week and a new study unit of LSKM 221 to learn about laugh

Whilst reading through study unit 2 I felt more at ease knowing that my mind can run wild with all the creative ideas that come with this topic. I don’t know about anyone else, but MUSIC SETS ME FREE. Music makes me feel extremely happy and energized. I could be having such a hectic week but as soon as I put those ear pods in my ears I forget about all the worries and stressors of the week.

I loveheart how music compliments every aspect in our lives as well as everyday schooling life which is what I had learnt from this module. Can you imagine, if music makes me feel just as happy and energized in my own personal free time, what it can do in a learners learning environment? as a foundation phase educator, I believe music is what makes us our HAPPIEST VERSION of ourselves.

Even in the little simple ways, at work I have implemented singing using a beat when counting numbers in maths which I feel has helped learners drastically in many ways. The little things like making a little beat whilst counting in twos, threes, fours and fives and tens has helped learners remember their numbers without even looking at a number chart. I also found that my learners are more eager to do their maths activities that include such numbers as they get to sing and use a beat whilst doing so as well as clapping and clicking their fingers. That is definitely the highlight of my day at work with my little kiddies.

Whilst reading through study unit 2 this week, I learnt of all the different ways music could be implemented in learning, I am keen to try these different activities with my learners in the coming weeks. I have learnt that there may be different genres of music and how each genre of music has a different meaning to it.

  1. As a Foundation Phase teacher, you have to choose between utilising indigenous African music, Western Art music or contemporary commercial music (including popular music and film music) in your classes. Which would you choose? Please motivate your answer.

In my own opinion and own personal experiences working with the little kiddies at work. I would definitely choose contemporary commercial music in my class. At grade 2 level, I have never ever heard a learner humming or singing a twinkle twinkle little star song or incy wincy spider song. Instead I have heard learners sing songs with that of ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez etc. We are all living in the 21st century; learners these days are exposed to smartphones, televised movies etc. I will choose contemporary commercial music as it is something learners are exposed to on a daily whether it is by watching a movie or listening to music on the radio to and from their way from school. Learners enjoy different beats of music which is why I will choose contemporary commercial music as there is a wide variety of beats to different music and songs as well as something that they can relate to. Learners will feel more comfortable and eager as they are being exposed to and participating in different activities with music that they know IN THE CLASSROOM, how exciting will that be for them? I mean, MUSIC whilst learning, that’s a huge bonus which also provides a deeper meaning to their lives not only in the classroom but makes them more energized and positive in everything that they do.

  1. Do you think that the examples and content offered in SU 2 are inclusive? Please motivate your answer.

The examples in study unit 2 are efficient as this study unit made me realize all the different elements music has to it. This could be singing, using instruments, musical games etc. Music allows and includes many different aspects to it which can help in a learner’s personal life such as their different languages, cultures, beliefs and values etc. Which is why I believe the examples and content offered in su2 is in fact inclusive as it includes music in different SOUTH AFRICAN languages which is EXTREMELY heartwarming for learners to learn and explore different languages in music.

  1. What suggestions do you have for making the content more inclusive? Please provide examples of how the content and activities presented in SU 2 could be changed or adapted to be more inclusive.

The suggestions I would have for making the content more inclusive is to add the advantages of different genres of music for learners in the classroom. I would also add the different ways to implement music in subjects such as mathematics and English as this can have an overall great impact on learners education in general.

Well that's all from me today, I look forward to reading and receiving more insight from your blog posts laughheart.

Take care LSKM 221 bloggers!

I shall leave you guys with a quote for all the amazing FP teachers wink


13 Aug 2021, 14:58 Publicly Viewable

Good afternoon NWU familysmiley

 Welcome to my LSKM 221 blog posts.

So far, my week has been busy, busy like a beelaugh. Balancing working with little kids for 5 days a week and studying online keeps me on my toes all day. What has motivated and inhibited me this week is the idea of grasping as well as learning more and more each day which will also help benefit myself and the kids that I interact with on a daily. 

Whilst working through this study unit, I learnt about each of the developmental theories by Vygotsky, Piaget as well as Erikson. All their learning theories have a different viewpoint which is what has stood out for me. Their learning theories go into detail which is what has really stood out for me whilst reading through and engaging in study unit 1. Whilst engaging in this unit I personally felt like Paget’s developmental theory is the most practical theory which relates to music more. He believed that children learn by interacting with the world and build their knowledge based on prior knowledge and skills. With the changing music industry, children are exposed as well as connect with the different types of genres of music which helps them build a sense of belonging as well as helps them find themselves and find what interest them as well as helps identify their personalities and it is also a way to connect with others and the world around them.

1.    Describe your confidence in your current knowledge and skills to teach music through movement in the Foundation Phase as you start your LSKM 221 journey?

I would describe my confidence in my current knowledge and skills to teach music through movement as extremely good as I enjoy being active which I personally feel is also a great way to keep my mind going throughout the day. Movements help in many ways which is why I feel movement is an important factor when it comes to music which helps learners expose and practice their balance, coordination, gross motor skills and bodily awareness. My passion has always been exercising and movement of the body which not only helps to keep fit but also helps with mental health and awareness. I plan on integrating movement as well as MUSIC into my teaching practice by implementing activities whereby children will do movement activities such as taking a walk/jog around the school playgrounds whilst singing a song which allows learners to also get the opportunity to get in touch with nature whilst practising bodily awareness, movement as well as music development.

2.    If you have to choose between incorporating Music education OR Physical education in the Foundation Phase curriculum to meet the holistic development needs of learners, which would you choose? 

In my opinion, to best suit my learner’s needs and help them build positive connections with music and its benefits in the classroom environment, I would choose MUSIC EDUCATION.  Music helps learners in many ways such as brightening up their mood, by singing songs or listening to songs and certain beats will help learners express their emotions as well as find ways to deal with certain things. Music helps learners to build positive connections with others as well as find out more about themselves and personality as to what interests them as well as builds up their confidence in the classroom.  In my classroom, I feel music education would be best as music helps learners feel a sense of belonging and they are able to feel free whilst singing. Music will also help learners become more creative as it opens their minds and they are able to discover so much more just through singing and engaging in different music activities with the use of different instruments etc. Music with instruments helps build learners cognitive skills. With incorporating music in my class learners will be able have positive attitudes and be more active in the classroom.


9 Aug 2021, 09:55 Publicly Viewable

Good day NWU family,

My name is Courtney and I am from KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. I am 20 years old. My experience at North West University has been a pleasant one so far. From a little girl, my only dream was to become a teacher and I am so so glad that I am finally making my dream come true as well as living out my dream. I am currently teaching in a primary school and have been awarded with my own grade 2 class. The little kids keep me going and keep me motivated. In my free time outside of teaching, I LOVE cooking and baking. I have a little baking business on the side where I specialize in baking mini individual desserts, cupcakes as well as cakes for all occasions (hence my creative sidesmiley). I love being creative in terms of art which is why I enjoyed the module LSKA. I look forward to expanding my knowledge and skills in the module LSKM as it will definitely take me out of my comfort zone which makes me a bit nervous, but I excited to learn more about music as well as how to integrate and include it in the classroom to make the learning environment more fun and energetic for learnersenlightened. I hope LSKM is a pleasant module for us all and I hope we are able to manage and enjoy all the different tasks assigned to us and give it our best to grasp and learn as much as we can. 

Take care.